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Hospitality Units

The following is a list of Hospitality units available using WebTrain based Learning Management Systems.

New Units (SIT07)

SITHACS004A - Provide Housekeeping Services to Guests
SITHACS006A - Clean Premises & Equipment
SITHACS007A - Launder Linen & Guest Clothes
SITHCCC001A - Organize and Prepare Food
SITHCCC002A - Present Food
SITHCCC003A - Receive & Store Kitchen
SITHCCC004A - Clean and Maintain Kitchen Premises
SITHCCC005A - Use Basic Methods of Cookery
SITHCCC006A - Prepare Appetisers & Salads
SITHCCC007A - Prepare Sandwiches
SITHCCC025A - Monitor Catering Revenue and Costs
SITHCCC029A - Prepare Foods According to Dietary and Cultural Needs
SITHFAB001A - Clean & Tidy Bars
SITHFAB002A - Operate a Bar
SITHFAB004A - Provide Food and Beverage Service
SITHFAB007A - Complete Retail Liquor Sales
SITHFAB009A - Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
SITHFAB010A - Prepare and Serve Non-Alcoholic Beverage
SITHFAB011A - Develop and Update Food & Beverage Knowlege
SITHFAB015A - Prepare and Serve Cocktails
SITHGAM001A - Attend Gaming Machines
SITHIND001A - Develop and update hospitality industry knowledge
SITTTSL009A - Process travel-related documentation
SITTTSL013A/SITTTSL012A - Construct Normal International Airfares/Construct Domestic Airfares
SITTTSL014A - Construct Promotional International Airfares
SITXCCS002A - Provide quality customer service
SITXCOM001A - Work with colleagues and customers
SITXCOM002A - Work in a socially diverse environment
SITXCOM003A - Deal with Conflict Situations
SITXCOM004A - Communicate on the telephone
SITXFIN001A - Process Financial Transactions
SITXFIN002A - Maintain Financial Records
SITXHRM001A - Coach Others in Job Skills
SITXHRM002A - Recruit, select and induct staff
SITXOHS001A - Follow Health, Safety and Security Procedures
SITXOHS002A - Follow Workplace Hygiene Procedures
SITXINV001A - Receive and store stock
SITXINV002A - Control and Order Stock
SITXMGT003A - Manage Projects

Advanced Barista Essentials
Introduction to Barista Essentials

Old Units

THHADFB03B - Prepare and Serve Cocktails
THHBCC00B - Prepare Sandwiches
THHBCC01B - Use Basic Methods of Cookery
THHBCC02B - Prepare & Serve Appetisers & Salads
THHBFB00B - Clean & Tidy Bars
THHBFB01B - Operate a Bar
THHBFB03B - Provide Food and Beverage Service
THHBFB06B - Complete Retail Liquor Sales
THHBFB10B - Prepare and Serve Non-Alcoholic Beverage
THHBFB11B - Develop and Update Food & Beverage Knowlege
THHBG01B - Attend Gaming Machines
THHBH01B - Provide Housekeeping Services to Guests
THHBHO5B - Laundry Linen & Guest Clothes
THHBKA01B - Organize and Prepare Food
THHBKA02B - Present Food
THHBKA03B - Receive & Store Kitchen Supplies
THHBKA04B - Clean and Maintain Kitchen Premises
THHCOR01B - Work with Colleagues and Customers
THHCOR02B - Work in a socially diverse Environment
THHCOR03B - Follow Health, Safety and Security Procedures
THHGCS01B - Develop & Update Hospitality Industry Knowledge
THHGCS02B - Promote products and Services to Customers
THHGCS03B - Deal with Conflict Situations
THHGFA01B - Process Financial Transactions
THHGFA02B - Maintain Financial Records
THHGGA01B - Communicate on the Telephone
THHGGA05B - Plan and manage Meetings
THHGGA06B - Receive and Store Stock
THHGGA07B - Control and Order Stock
THHGGA09B - Manage Projects
THHGHS02B - Clean Premises & Equipment
THHGTR01B - Coach Others in Job Skills

All units below have received the ANTA of approval.

More Cert I, II, and III Hospitality and Tourism Units.

Business Communication

THHGGA02B - Perform Office Procedures
THHCOR01B - Work with Colleagues and Customers
THHCOR02B - Work in a Socially Diverse Environment
THHCOR03B - Follow Health, Safety and Security Procedures
THHGLE02B - Implement Work Place Health, Safety and Security Procedures
THHGGA01B - Communicate on the Telephone
THHGCS03B - Deal with Conflict Situations

Business Computing

BSBCMN205A - Use Business Technology
BSBCMN213A - Produce Simple Word Processed Documents
THTSOP08B - Operate a Computerised Reservation System
THTSOP07B - Book and Co-ordinate Supplier Services

Commercial Mathematics and Accounting Fundamentals

BSBCMN308A - Maintain Financial Records
THHGFA01B - Process Financial Transactions

Introduction to Marketing

THTSOP05B - Prepare Quotations
THTSOP03B - Access and Interpret Product Information
THTSOP02B - Source and Provide Destination Information Advice
THTSOP04B - Sell Tourism Products and Services
THTCO01B - Develop and Update Tourism Industry Knowledge

Certificate I, II & III Courses Tourism and Hospitality Management THT02 & THH02

Tourism Business Operation

THTSOP09B - Process Non-Air Documentation
THTSOP20A - Construct Normal International Airfares
THTSOP19A - Construct Domestic Airfares
THTSOP21A - Construct Promotional International Airfares
THTSOP18A - Process Air Documentation

Cert IV, Diploma and Advanced Diploma Units

THHADCAT03B - Select Catering Systems
THHBCAT01B - Prepare Foods According to Dietary and Cultural Needs
THHBCAT03B - Transport and Store Food and Hygienic Manner
THHBKA03B - Receive and Store Kitchen Supplies
THHGCS08B - Establish And Conduct Business Relationships
THHGFA06A - Interpret Financial Information
THHGLE01B - Monitor Work Operations
THHGLE05B - Roster Staff
THHGLE09B - Manage Workplace Diversity
THHGLE11B - Manage Quality Customer Service
THHGLE13B - Manage Finance Within A Budget
THHGLE15B - Manage Financial Operations
THHGLE16B - Manage Physical Assets
THHGLE20B - Develop and update the legal knowledge required for business compliance
THHGTR01B - Coach Others in Job Skills
THHS2CC1B - Monitor Catering Revenue and Costs
THHS2CC3B - Develop A Food Safety Program
THHSCAT01B - Manage Facilities Associated With Commercial Catering Contracts
THHSCAT02B - Plan the Catering for an Event of Function
THHSCAT03B - Prepare Tenders for Catering Contracts
THTTCO01B - Develop and Update Tourism Industry Knowledge

Business Services

Metals Engineering

Information Technology


Electrical and Electronics



Literacy and Numeracy
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